
Meet the FITs Webinar Series

Join us on Tuesdays in February and March for FREE 60–90-minute webinars led by ACTFL’s exceptional Facilitators-in-Training! Explore the variety of topics and depth of presenter expertise in the descriptions below. The deadline to register will be the Monday before each webinar. After registering, Zoom Meeting information will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Can’t make the live webinar? No problem! The webinars will be recorded and access to the video and associated resources will later be made available for a small fee on our LMS, ACTFLearn Central, following the live event.

Registration is open for all webinars and is limited – register now to reserve your spot! If you later are unable to attend, we kindly ask that you cancel your registration by emailing plc@bikinganteng.com to allow another educator to participate.

Available Webinars